Peter Williams In Memoriam (Paul Peeters)
João Vaz
The ‘Renaissance’ organ in the Cathedral of Évora (Portugal): origin and transformations
Patrizio Barbieri
The Roman organ c1480-1750. I: evolution of pitch, compass and ‘portable’ instruments
James L. Wallmann
A checklist of books on the organ, 1511-1875
A Checklist of Books on the Organ, 1511–1875 (DIN A4)A Checklist of Books on the Organ, 1511–1875 (US-Letter)Peter van Dijk & Jaap Jan Steensma
Apollonius Bosch: a musical bridge over the river Meuse. Recent studies concerning the background of a seventeenth-century Dutch organ maker
Laurent Beyhurst
Julien Tribuot (1663-1722), facteur d’orgue du roi Louis XIV: célèbre organier français à Paris, Versailles et Seurre
Markus Rathey
Traditions of organ music and organ playing in Mühlhausen in the seventeenth century and in the times of Johann Sebastian Bach
Pieter Dirksen
Johann Sebastian Bach’s Fantasia and Fuga in G minor
Peter Planyavsky
Orgelbewegung in Österreich – ein Spezialfall
Christian Lutz
Recently restored Silbermann organs in Alsace
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The Organ Yearbook